25% discount on new grooms

As a new dog groomer in Brighton, I am so excited to meet lots of lovely new Brighton dogs. To tempt you through my doors, I am running a HUGE 25% discount for new customers. Book your groom at my new Brighton dog grooming salon before 7th November and save 25%!

Kapow! Hitting you with a huge 25% discount off your dog’s first groom!

I’ll be running the odd discount over the next few months so keep your eyes peeled. I will also be announcing referral discounts so you can share this with all your doggy friends. Most discounts will be announced via my Instagram and Facebook pages, so give me a follow and you won’t miss out.

Don’t miss out!

Once my books start filling up I may not be able to fit your dog into my Brighton doggy salon for a while, so book soon to avoid missing out on this great deal!

Although this discount only runs until 7th November, it’s valid on any bookings made by then. So if your dog doesn’t need a groom until next year - book in early and you’ll still receive the discount! Forward planning for your dog’s grooms really does pay off. Why not book 2 or 3 grooms in one go?

I can’t wait to meet you!

Just head to my contact page to get in touch, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Why should you groom your dog?


New Brighton Dog Groomer - A love of dogs leads to a career change